Arriving at 17:00 hrs, the colleague and one of the founders of the meetings of DX in our country, Prof.. Miguel Angel Rocha Gámez, from Ascension, Chihuahua, for the first time, leading to its EcoSport XIV National Meeting of DX, we explained in simple terms what it means and how we practice in the Banda DX-AM medium wave, "being a band that is almost neglected by DXers in our country because the stations in general, tend not to respond to ever hear or reports from DXers. Prior to that, the same Professor Rocha, hosted a First Day DXers, ie, a contest in which colleagues were invited to send reports to DXers Mexican AM stations, the response was almost nil, except for one that was very attentive and has its own QSL: XEG commercial station from the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León. (Thanks, XEG, and congratulations for taking the time to respond to DXers).
So the colleague continued narrating about this band and invited us to do more fund raising stations and invite them to meet us as expected, also gave us tips on getting the best attraction of distant stations, and the advantage that anyone can with a modest receiver, since most have AM and FM, to practice this form of DX. We are also shared, as always, much printed material, and frequency guides shortwave stations.
Prof. Thanks. Miguel Angel Rocha Gámez, for all your support in these events, and Arriba Chihuahua!
work personally designed for attendees.
The Profr. Miguel Angel Rocha Gámez, giving the group its theme.
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