Not everyone has the good fortune to travel to other places, much less personally go and visit people who are already accustomed to hear and something that intrigues us, our imagination often creates an image that we have heard the only recognized, and often we get a disappointment ... haha ... but anyway, our colleague Luis Alejandro Vallebueno told us in a fun and interesting experiences and discoveries to be able to visit Vatican Radio on his trip to Europe, he found that some people in this station know the use and scope of Shortwave (Oh, surprise, what a shame, rightly, some stations or their managers are indifferent to the listener, and when there are problems prefer to close emissions), yet it was able to obtain some interesting things as the power at least see towers near the transmitting antennas R. Vatican, and incidentally to bring some souvenirs for those attending the meeting also said we could do fund raising station heard only in Europe and in particular the long-wave band. Alejandro Congratulations for your participation.
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