Friday, August 8, 2008

Virtue Theory And Abortion By Rosalind Hursthouse

Day 1: Statement by the chronicler of the City, Mr. Paul Amaya Ramírez

Very interesting turned out to be the talk of the chronicler of the city of Gomez Palacio, Durango ., Mr. Paul Amaya Ramírez, who in time you fall short, because this city and general region of the Laguna Region, known as the peri cities of Torreon, Coahuila, Lerdo, Gómez Palacio Durango near, are rich in culture and history.

As always, the audience, very attentive to the exposure of the chronicler.

Miguel Angel Rocha Gámez
, Luis Alejandro Vallebueno and Claudia de la Vara

This region also stands out nationally as the birthplace of the movement of the Mexican Revolution land of leaders and heroes of the revolutionary struggle ... also a land of great cultural heritage and cosmopolitan background, its makers were not only Mexicans but also found many families of foreign investors who put their grain of sand to build what today is the famous Laguna area.

Historic photos, here is the revolutionary leader, General Francisco (Pancho) Villa.

And with that, we conclude that DX is not only listen to radio and experimenting with antennas, capture stations, but the DX, well applied, is useful to get culture and history of other parts of the world, in this case we receive directly from the mouths of the chronicler of the city, and thereby increase our stock of national history. Thank you very much Mr. Amaya.


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