Friday, August 8, 2008

Nipples Flava Love Season 2

Day 1: Talk of Mr. Sergio Martínez Valdez, radio announcer and publicist

18:00 hours were given, and it was time for Mr. Sergio Martínez Valdez, sharing a conversation about radio in the Laguna Region in particular spoke of his vast experience in radio and his unpublished works of history radio in the region, particularly the radio XETB.

gave us his impressions of the development and evolution of both positive and negative as the radio, his current style, profile and the tone in which it develops radio. He talked about the commercial radio, local radio has lost that sense of humanity, which previously had fellowship to the listener, is no longer pleasant company and now the audience sees only as a synonym for income, the public is only to be impacted by commercial radio and not be of a company that will guide, encourage, support and nurture of values. It is a widespread problem in our country.

Some slides presented in the exhibition:


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