Day 3: Awards and award ceremonies, closing ceremonies. And everything begins has an end on this earth, the event concluded DXers. At 11:00 pm on August 3, 2008 met recently at the Convention Center facilities Francisco Zarco to terminate the activities of the meeting. All with nostalgia and sadness, but happy that everything was a success!.
Thus, the presence of C. Aaron Gonzalez Flores, head of public libraries in the municipality of Gomez Palacio, was officially concluded the event.
then proceeded to the delivery of Diplomas, Awards, trophies and prizes Contest Hunters QSL's in various forms, such as Broadcasting, Utilities, VHF, AM, etc., And of the 1st. AM DX day Mexico. All excited about these awards of great value ...
conclusions of the event and plans:
THE DX XV National Meeting will be held in the city of Cuernavaca, Morelos.
New HUNTERS CONTEST QSL's: In two ways, DXers will be awarded to attend the next event you have gathered as many of them in this period of time: 1 .- ALL QSL STATIONS INCLUDED IN 8.000 kHz to 12.000 kHz, in any format (AM, broadcasting, utility, amateur radio, clandestine, pirate, etc..) & 2 .- ALL QSL STATIONS OF ASIA IN ANY BAND, BUT STATIONS THEY ARE PUBLIC BROADCASTING (BROADCASTING). So you have to capture and accumulate as much as you can QSL's !!!!! Have good DX's!!
And we see in the DX XV National Meeting, 2009.
will be informed shortly.
Catarino Rodriguez Hernandez receiving a gift brought from Belgium.
Alejandro Vallebueno extremely excited receives his trophy.
The author of this blog his prize, a small portable shortwave radio.
The Profr. Miguel Angel Rocha with a souvenir from Vatican Radio.
Mireya Martinez were recognized for their participation.
Ludo Maes also received his Diploma for having attended and participated in this event.
Paul and Miguel Angel, who rewards whom?
The host couple, Claudia and Paul.
group photo
Congratulations and thank you everyone!