Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stream Brent Corrigan

Faix Tancades


Here you the first pictures of the march, we hope not ni mucho menos las ultimas por la cantidad de reporteros gráficos que teníamos disponibles.

Grupo en el FAIX PARE . Aquí tenéis Más Fotos enviadas por Damaso

Sabado, 6 de Noviembre de 2010

La hora de salida sera a las 6 H. desde el Moli de la Reixa y el desplazamiento se realizara en autobus.

FAIXES TANCADES : Rincón de umbría y gran belleza paisajística que bordea las grandes paredes verticales de La Joca y la Mola de Conills, donde se refugian algunos grupos de hayas; visita de los dos árboles monumentales de La Senia, y continuación Mont Caro up over a ridge with spectacular views of the Ebro and its mouth as well as inland forests. TRAVEL

: It starts in the Free Area of \u200b\u200bLes Valls, and goes up to the bands and achieve Portella of Calc, here we go to find the Faig Pare, has about 250 years old, declared a monumental tree 1992 in the Retaule beech, and we approach the Pi Gros (the largest diameter of the peninsula around 4.6 meter barrel diameter of 1.78 meters, a height of 33m, and over 700 years) also declared a monumental tree in 1992, we continued up to the GR-7 to match Velles cassettes, which just cross it to continue to marturia Ridge, Bassis source of marturia, Cova d'Avellanes source, track and will reach the Hostel-Bar L'Esquirol, based in Caro, where we collect the bus. LONG

: The approximate time will be about 6 / 7 hours walking and two hours between lunch and eat if you can go with the MICRO-BUS, where more people to sign up and have to go in normal Bus add 6.5 km. track to the area Les Valls. PHOTOS


The Joca from them


Faix them

marturia peaks of

Area Vall

Cal Portella


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