Saturday, April 30, 2011

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Salen Trancemission 46 edition of the list

Place 5 Hagenaar & Albrecht "Will not let you down" : some may seem a very simple, and inconspicuous, but we reward because we think it's a very correct and well built, without having to be famous or well known artists have been able to exploit with great success a sound base for the Eighties 2011.

Having achieved our Number 1 and have remained with us 17 weeks, gives way in this week's list.

Since Flo Rida feat Akon 19 "Who dat girl" (Deniz Koyu Remix) : as I say in advance that we could have had some weeks on the list, but the rotation on the list is good and necessary, and this work we like, but always has to be some record that gets hurt by the rotations.

certainly much better Deniz Koyu remix of the original work, too slow for our taste, while this one fits much better on tracks with clubbers and electronic tastes.

Since 21 Taio Cruz & Kylie Minogue "Higher" : they have made a good musical partner in this joint work, and although neither lacks the name of another to sign a record, no doubt and collaboration is appreciated and not rejected.

going to appear that you have mania Taio Cruz if you follow the blog for some time, because none of his work has never reached the Number 1 , but it always has very strong front and formidable rival, and unfortunately never goes further. But do not blame him or his music, because if we do not like not fall directly on the list.

24 Kesha "We r who we r" (Liam Keegan Remix) : not that Kesha force has lost its themes, but as I said before, we have now a very competitive list, and we have to take subjects that fall short about others, but it's not that we dislike at all.

still maintaining a very acceptable musical line, and more while still remixing artists as Liam Keegan, who perfectly fulfills this task.

Is A 6 Month Hiv Test Ac

Since 19 The House Rejects "Music is a savior" : with blunt samplers and an effective basis, this item comes slowly and without noise is introduced only in our rooms.

And, while sometimes lacking media name, a job well done also just recognizing and coming to our ears to conquer.

Since 22 David Guetta feat Novel "Missing you" : French teacher treats us to another issue well built, again by exploiting their reef next sound of a voice that is responsible, in addition to complement the theme, give a touch of outstanding quality production.

24 Nicole Scherzinger "Do not hold your breath" (Cahill Remix) : with this name many do not recognize, I am the first, but if complete the information saying it is the former lead singer of the Pussycat Dolls , many will open their eyes and look to secure the internet, because in addition to singing is also a model ... Topic

pop jumps the tracks dance, thanks to a deejay wearing a full year in the section of remixes this year, with very acceptable results so far.

Since 25 Sergi Domene & Joan Reyes "Black & White" : we melted with this issue, and applaud wildly, because the production piece that have signed these two is to be, once again, proud of our country dance sound. Topic

very classy, \u200b\u200ba lovely voice, thanks to the Australian Shepherd Amba, and some ups and downs combining melody with electronic leave us singing part a success for the summer we have at the door. Congratulations

and Domene Reyes !

Can Detoxifying Cause Joint Pain

list entry # 1: Tom Novy "Now or never" (Lissat & Voltaxx Remix) Official List

A classic dance tastefully updated by Lissat & Voltaxx with electric shocks, which give greater speed over the original tarbajo but preserving the "figure" of the original musical. Remixing

disks, some classics never die, not only because they remain in our memory, but because every few years, someone is responsible to remind us that way.


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Wave Top 25 Dance 30 / 4 / 11

Last April, where an old acquaintance of the best dance of the 90s, the track "Now or never" for Tom Novy, past the operating room blends into the hands of Lissat & Voltaxx and out as new and ready to take the 2011 war. Not just a facelift, becomes a brand new theme, keeping the base and shape of the original sounds and samplers quite achieved. Enter

many new albums this week: the powerful house The House Rejects "Music is a savior ', the fireproof David Guetta with Novel on "Missing You", the former Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger solo "Do not hold your breath" remixed by Cahill, and bet Sergi Domene national and Joan Reyes in the house great album "Black & white." Salu2





Tom Novy

"Now or never" (Lissat & Voltaxx Remix=) (+1) *


Eric Prydz

"Niton" (The reason" (+1)


Milk & Sugar

"Hey" (Nah neh nah) (+1)


Artento Divini Cornelis van Dijk feat

"My Sanctuary" (Shy Brothers Remix) (-3) *


Zoë Badwis "Free Fallin '(2)


Orjan Nilsen

"So long radio" (Original Mix) (=)



"Gregory´s theme" (+3)



"Like I love you" (=)


Tiësto feat Diplo & Girlicious

"C'mon get hood" (=)


Victor Ark

"Unforgettable" (+1)


Surrender Djs & Marçal Ventura

"Some love" (+3)


David Guetta feat Rosie Rogers

"Without you" (+3)


Misha Daniels feat J-Son

"Where you wanna go" (=)


Wynter Gordon

"Dirty talk" (+3)



"She freaks" (+1)


Radio Killer

"Lonely heart" (+2)


Katy Perry

"Firework" (Liam Keegan Remix) (-5)


Antoine Clamaran feat Soraya

"Stick shift" (+2)


The House Rejects

"Music is a savior" (N)

20 EDX feat Tamra Keegan "Out of the rain" (+2)

Corina feat JJ

"No sleeping" (+2)
22 David Guetta feat Novel

"Missing you" (N)

23 Mike Candys

"Together again" (+2)

24 Nicole Scherzinger
"Don´t hold your breath" (Cahill Remix) (N)
25 Sergi Domene & Joan Reyes
"Black & White" (N)


(): parenthesis positions up / down on the list above
*: Number of times Number 1

Friday, April 29, 2011

Blur Images Non Hd Channel

Well, I admit that I've gotten a small goal, because we still have a final novelty this week. We heard just a couple of days, and has already convinced the work of Pearl "Like a videogame."

And although this name does not tell you anything behind this project is none other than the great Peter Luts (ex Ian van Dahl, that mess of names ...), so I know that the tone theme is progressive and engaging from the first listen.

Blue Veins Boobs Fetish

New New New

This disc had escaped us, like many others, since a couple of weeks, but it was time to include him as a novelty: it is Greg Parys "Why do not just fuck", and also work with a title something shocking, as recently with many issues dance.

I climbed to judge what you think ... us ... in short, better to give the spotlight.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Has My 11 Mth Old Got A Chest Infection?

McLean Wideboys feat Sway "Shopaholic."

Monday, April 25, 2011

Bloods And Folk Get Along

Flashback Dance 26 by Max

Tonight I came to mind this, and it is time to remember a good artist of the plates, which created a hit in 2000. His name is DJ Tonka and success was "Do not bea Fraid.

are noted over the years the song for the rhythms and sounds used, but since then it has nothing to envy to many of the songs dance traded now. This was a CD created with a soul that is reflected in each of the chords of the catchy melody.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dentist In Austin Saturdays


who follow the blog regularly know that on Sunday we went up an episode of our Trancemission section where we review and up the best of trance and progressive of last week.

But today we're going to take a sabbatical, so the episode Trancemission 45 we will leave the following Sunday May 1 (Labor Day curiously ...).

hope you have enjoyed these days off and played good music. Salu2

Coffee Tablemeasurements


The first novelty of the week due to national tastes Josepo and DJ Abel The Kid they debut joint effort, entitled "What about", and sounds quite appealing to these dates.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

How Much Does A Charriol Bracelet Costs

Today Podcast 23/04/1911 Top Ten List

Wooden Clock Plan Free


Position 7 Nari & Milani & Cristian Marchi "I got you" : a feast for the ears disk this week makes the list, and all former No. 1 already Wave Dance.

With a unique mix between the voice of Max C , piano and the other sampler was able to create a hit laden with feelings, emotions, charm and quality. Duo regular deejays Nari & Milani, has joined them with great success and a good musical result another duo, formed by the deejay Cristian Marchi and singer Max C .

Sorry to get so soon, since it only takes 12 weeks on chart, not many, but with a more than excellent to have already reached the Number 1 .

Why Do My Gums Hurt When I Have A Cold

Since Mike Candys 25 "Together Again" : item that could be defined as euro dance , based here have a bit more progressive and popular form be known as Cantaditas , notable for its well made and sounds from the first seconds does not fool shows his cards and what comes next. It has taken

a little more of the account in, but our R & D was right to present it as a novelty, because it looks like it will hear and many the coming months.

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list entry # 1: Divini Artento Cornelis van Dijk feat "My sanctuary "(Shy Brothers Remix)

with progressive trance remix of Shy Brothers these deejays Canadian point not only his first No. 1 in Wave Dance , but also the privilege of being able, if not for the first time artists be faster to get here.

Some may be surprised that this issue onto listed as high, and the following week that high that starred stick, but it was one of those discs since I heard Trancemission section think should be here.

The main theme melody enters the ear enganchándote and preparing the ground so that after the brief pause that takes the author to introduce the vowels, you get the mind ready for the final fireworks hypnotize ends.

A little advice we can give you, and it's like listening in a session is upload a few more bpm to exploit the darker and tranceras of the second part of the disk, thereby gettin a phenomenal result. Unfortunately, we found a video with these requirements.

Sonic Screwdriver , Las Vegas

Official List of Top 25 Dance Wave

If you go along the list with some regularity, you will observe that there are certain movements that seem to indicate that certain themes begin to move down progressively. The next few weeks we can find several new features at once and some other unexpected output. As for the

Number 1 this week we can say that is a surprise, because in just 4 weeks has been planted at the top with a hard trance powerful and encouraging to anyone who likes most repulsive sound. Only

joins our family dance the song "Together Again" by Mike Candys , which premiered before anyone else the first week of March as sound import, now begins to be heard on the radio formulas of our country. As always, try to be at the forefront of dance . Salu2





Artento Divini feat Cornelis van Dijk

"My Sanctuary" (Shy Brothers Remix) (2) *


Tom Novy

"Now or never" (Lissat & Voltaxx Remix) (=)


Eric Prydz

"Niton" (The reason" (+1)


Milk & Sugar

"Hey" (Nah neh nah) (+1)


Hagenaar & Albrecht "Won´t let you down" (-4) *


Orjan Nilsen

"So long radio" (Original Mix) (=)


Zoë Badwis

"Freefallin" (+1)



"Like I love you" (+2)


Tiësto feat Diplo & Girlicious

"C'mon get hood" (+2)



"Gregory's theme" (+3)


Víctor Ark

"Unforgettable" (+1)


Katy Perry

"Firework" (Liam Keegan Remix) (-3)


Misha Daniels feat J-Son

"Where you wanna go" (+1)


Surrender Djs & Marçal Ventura

"Some love" (+5)


David Guetta feat Rosie Rogers

"Without you" (+2)



"She freaks" (+2)


Wynter Gordon

"Dirty talk" (+3)


Radio Killer

"Lonely heart" (+3)


Flo Rida & Akon

"Who dat girl" (Sea Dark Remix) (-4)

20 Antoine Clamaran feat Soraya "Stick shift" (+2)

Taio Cruz & Kylie Minogue

"Higher" (-5)
22 EDX feat Tamra Keegan

"Out of the rain" (+3)

23 Corina feat JJ

"No sleeping" (+1)

24 Kesha
"We r who we r" (Liam Keegan Remix) (-1)
25 Mike Candys
"Together Again" (N)


(): positions in brackets up / down on the list above
*: Number of times Number 1

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wool Dyeing How To Make Gray Color

Update 23/04/1911 New

Thanks to one of our fans and we can offer a much better quality (sorry still not the full issue) the issue Sergi Domene & Joan Reyes "Black & white."

How To Secure Leaning

Well, tuned because we bring something unique that has come just a couple of times on the radio, and that is a true pitch, the last of the great Sergi Domene with Joan Reyes entitled "Black & white."

In fact, the audio quality is quite unfortunate, and advertise it, but we could not resist uploading it now. As we find a better audio, replace it.

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new Techno Flashback 7 by Max

One of the most respected in the world of dance are Blank & Jones, and the truth is I do not know how to have escaped me until now to echarun look at some of their songs.

Today we remember the song "The Forest" in 2003, with whom the duo met Germans, for which they had the great Robert Smith, guitarist and vocalist of The Cure . Mystical dark theme and fits perfectly with the aesthetics of Robert Smith to add it would be responsible for the vocals to the track.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Black Pearl Vasodex How To Use

MORELLA dels Ports

We have photos of the weekend we spent walking up and down "Els Ports"

Photos sent by Tere

At the beginning of endless ravine Carrer Ample

Photos sent by Alejandro

Vista dels d'Arnes

Photos sent by Pepe Valero

At the foot of "Pi Sapling" Wave Crash

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Indian Women Showing Thighs In Sarees

News and more news

sure I thought that you had Abaddon this week ... how guys were wrong.

wax We bring good in key techno house with Hardwell new "Encoded" which has a sound brutal and unimaginable strength, ideal for meetings of those days.

And tonight they debut issue about Wave Dance, Bingo Players with their single "Cry" (Just a little), sounds much more Conventional and near most public dance .

Monday, April 18, 2011

What Colors Look Good On Brown Skin

We do not want the music stops, so Monday we have prepared these developments.

The first discovery marks another Wave Dance imported from France, is Anton Wick feat Evelyn Thomas "That's it", which like Sunday's developments is cutting vocal electro house and in a rhythm quite addictive enough.

And one of our most beloved DJs Axwell , returns temazo house with based compression and repetition in his latest all-instrumental composition "Heart is king", where he also composed the melody, creating a groundbreaking silent half of the issue to boost the final rush. Axwell

prepares to invade the dance floor this summer, both individually and with the Swedish House Mafia .

Sunday, April 17, 2011

How Long Do You Microwave A Chicken Leg

Trancemission 45

Welcome once more to late Trancemission , space, trance & progressive of Wave Dance . After import news a while ago, now we bring the best of trance the last seven days.

session began with an artist who has spent several times by our space, Arty, with Tania Zygar with "The Wall" vocal trance brutal with incredible rhythms, and where we can distinguish two parts within the same disk: first a more techno and then another part of psy trance trend.

And something that is completely mesmerizing new Michael Woods "VMS" and that has a rhythm and sound festival trance you smell from a distance.

Last week we present the new Markus Schulz feat Ana Criado "Surreal", but did not know the remix of Omnia, and if the original was Well, the remix is \u200b\u200bnot anything short. A remix full simply beautiful.

Kyau & Albert leave us this week a remix from subject matter, they have decided to republish his song "Kiksu" of 2006 to give the right touch in this 2011 and it sound again on the slopes with renewed spirit.

Continuing with the psy trance and getting carried away by their sound, coming The Blizzard & Omnia "My inner island" (Original Mix .)

A future bet is what brought Myon & Shane 54 "Futuristic" that you help if you intend to do a session of progressive trance .

And if you look forceful and strong and powerful rhythms, it is best bet for Ernesto vs Bastian "Flight 101" it sure is what you went looking, I convincing and I put the batteries.

And just with the original issue will not arrive until tomorrow at Dance Wave , but for which we have trance remix : Axwell "Heart is king" (Dennis Sheperd Remix ), and has a unique sound.

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edition Latest News

Our R & D does not rest and located a few innovations that we hope you like them.

open with Jean Elan feat Cosmo Klein "Feel alive", all vocal electro discovery of a forceful and extraordinary power thanks largely to the passion and desire that puts Cosmo Klein on vocals, and as said its title, ideal to feel alive.

The German deejay Jean Elan has shown the importance, once again, knowing how to choose a good vocalist to finish writing a song. And, you have not affect it, but sometimes we do not realize how important are the vocalists in the dance scene .

And now we take a small leap of style and change to get into the universe electro house of particular always Fedde Le Grand with Patric La Funk in his latest creation "Autosave."

As often happens with the issue of Fedde Le Grand , maybe a the former does not come at all for our ears, but innovation at the time of writing is undeniable, and it could be a revelation this summer in Ibiza.

And to close this circle of news today, a known Benny Benassi and Gary Go to "Cinema", another vocal electro track, which follows drawing on their common and particular mixing drums with great vocals and a low blunt.